BSTFLEX Fireproof Silica Textile Cloth

 There is 2 size silica fabric.

SIF Silica Fiber cloth a high temperature fabric which is made by 70% +/-5% silica fibers and can almost cover most of industrial demands for temperature resistance, and with perfect tensile strength and abrasion resistant property.

SIF-EX high temp silica fabric is made by minimum 96% SiO₂ silicon dioxide content, continuous resistant 1000 degree C. It is used to industry heat protection.

ItemProductsStandard Width cmWorking Temp Thickness mmWeight g/m²Silica content
1Silica fabric9210000.330096%
2Silica fabric9210000.7561296%
3Silica fabric10010000.7561296%
4Silica fabric13010000.7561296%
5Silica fabric10010001.088096%
6Silica fabric9210001.35110096%
7Silica fabric10010001.35110096%
8Silica fabric9210001.4120096%
9Silica fabric928000.7560070%±5%
10Silica fabric1008000.7570070%±5%
11Silica fabric1528000.8570070%±5%
12Silica fabric928001.35110070%±5%
13Silica fabric1008001.4120070%±5%
14Silica fabric1528001.4120070%±5%
15Silica fabric9210002.0145096%
16Silica fabric10010002.0145096%
17Silica fabric9210003.0175096%

fireproof silica fabric
Fireproof Silica Textile Cloth

silicaflex silica fabric
Fireproof Silica Textile Cloth

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